The Scottish Law Commission recommended that a definition of the term 'consent' in rape cases should be placed on the statute book.
Source: Report on Rape and Other Sexual Offences, Report 209, Scottish Law Commission (0131 668 2131)
Links: Report | SLC press release | SG press release | BBC report
Date: 2007-Dec
The government announced (following consultation) a series of reforms to the handling of rape cases. Adult victims of rape would be allowed to give video-recorded evidence at trials. Further consideration would be given to how general expert material could be presented in a controlled and consistent way with a view to 'dispelling myths' around rape victims' behaviour. The law would be clarified on a complainant's capacity to give consent where drink or drugs were involved.
Source: House of Commons Hansard, Written Ministerial Statement 28 November 2007, columns 34-36WS, TSO (0870 600 5522)
Links: Hansard | Response to consultation | Solicitor General press release | Fawcett press release | Guardian report | Telegraph report
Date: 2007-Nov
A report examined support services for women who were victims of violence. One-third of local authorities had no specialized support services; most women had no access to a rape crisis centre; and fewer than 1 in 10 local authorities had specialist services for ethnic minority women that would address issues such as forced marriage, female genital mutilation, and crimes in the name of honour.
Source: Maddy Coy, Liz Kelly and Jo Foord with Val Balding and Rebecca Davenport, Map of Gaps: The postcode lottery of violence against women support services, End Violence Against Women (020 7033 1559) and Equality and Human Rights Commission
Links: Report | EHRC press release | Fawcett press release | Amnesty press release | TUC press release | Liberal Democrats press release
Date: 2007-Nov
An article examined research conducted with very high-risk victims of domestic violence, to determine their levels of 'revictimization' one year after being referred to a multi-agency risk assessment conference. Taking a holistic multi-agency approach to domestic violence could reduce recidivism.
Source: Amanda Robinson and Jasmin Tregidga, 'The perceptions of high-risk victims of domestic violence to a coordinated community response in Cardiff, Wales', Violence Against Women, Volume 13 Number 11
Links: Abstract
Date: 2007-Oct
A new book examined the relationship between substance misuse and domestic violence, and their effect on children. It looked at the response of children's services when there were concerns about the safety and welfare of children.
Source: Hedy Cleaver, Don Nicholson, Sukey Tarr and Deborah Cleaver, Child Protection, Domestic Violence and Parental Substance Misuse: Family experiences and effective practice, Jessica Kingsley Publishers (020 7833 2307)
Links: Summary
Date: 2007-Oct
A report summarized the findings of a study of attrition in reported offences of rape of a female in England and Wales in 2003-04. It was designed to explore several aspects around the detection and conviction of rape cases: the reasons behind the decline in recorded detection rates for rape since 1997; why marked variations in detection rates existed in different forces; and what factors best predicted whether a recorded offence got to court and resulted in a conviction.
Source: Andy Feist, Jane Ashe, Jane Lawrence, Duncan McPhee and Rachel Wilson, Investigating and Detecting Recorded Offences of Rape, Online Report 18/07, Home Office (web publication only)
Links: Report | Guardian report | Telegraph report
Date: 2007-Jul
Researchers examined ways in which Sure Start local programmes gained the trust of parents who needed help with the issue of domestic abuse. Considerable progress had been made in breaking down barriers in communication and working practices, and developing constructive relationships between practitioners, which were required to achieve effective joint working between agencies and professionals.
Source: Lisa Niven and Mog Ball, Sure Start Local Programmes and Domestic Abuse, Research Report NESS/2007/FR/025, Department for Children, Schools and Families (0845 602 2260)
Date: 2007-Jul
A paper published by the sex equality watchdog examined the issue of sexual harassment in the workplace.
Source: Carrie Hunt, Marilyn Davidson, Sandra Fielden and Helge Hoel, Sexual Harassment in the Workplace: A literature review, Working Paper 59, Equal Opportunities Commission (0161 833 9244)
Links: Working Paper
Date: 2007-Jul
An article examined the evaluation process of three domestic violence projects located in disadvantaged areas, and criticized the approach of identifying 'best practice' projects.
Source: Alpa Parmar and Alice Sampson, 'Evaluating domestic violence initiatives', British Journal of Criminology, Volume 47 Number 4
Links: Abstract
Date: 2007-Jul
A report highlighted an 'unspoken epidemic' of domestic abuse - ultimately unquantifiable, because some victims were not believed, while others did not realize the abuse they suffered was a crime. Domestic abuse needed urgent attention, and doctors should be trained to spot victims and help them.
Source: Domestic Abuse, British Medical Association (020 7387 4499)
Links: Summary | BMA press release | Guardian report
Date: 2007-Jun
A think-tank report said that local authorities should be given a greater role in tackling domestic violence. Local councils were best placed to bring together cross-cutting agencies in areas of criminal justice, health, and social exclusion to deliver strategies to reduce levels of domestic violence.
Source: Anthony Brand, Domestic Issues: The Role of Local Authorities in Tackling Domestic Abuse, New Local Government Network (020 7357 0051)
Links: Report | NLGN press release
Date: 2007-Jun
A report (by an official advisory body) made recommendations designed to help tackle drug-facilitated sexual assault, or 'date rape', including rapes in which drugs were mixed with alcohol.
Source: Drug Facilitated Sexual Assault, Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs (020 7035 0454)
Links: Report | ACMD press release | Home Office press release | ACPO press release | Guardian report
Date: 2007-Apr
The government published an action plan designed to improve support for victims of sexual violence (including child sexual abuse), through better support facilities and an improved response from the justice system to such crimes.
Source: Cross Government Action Plan on Sexual Violence and Abuse, Home Office (0870 000 1585) and others
Links: Action Plan | Home Office press release | Community Care report
Date: 2007-Apr
A report presented the findings of the 2-year evaluation of a pilot domestic abuse court in Glasgow. Compared to traditional courts, a number of improvements were evident in the process and practice of dealing with domestic abuse, and there was a high level of satisfaction among victims whose cases were heard in the pilot court.
Source: Reid Howie Associates, Evaluation of the Pilot Domestic Abuse Court, Scottish Executive (web publication only)
Date: 2007-Mar
A new book examined the complex practical and emotional support needed by women who had encountered domestic violence.
Source: Hilary Abrahams, Supporting Women after Domestic Violence: Loss, trauma and recovery, Jessica Kingsley Publishers (020 7833 2307)
Links: Summary
Date: 2007-Mar
An article said that the organizational and cultural conditions that seemed to offer female sex workers some protection from violence in indoor settings could be useful for informing the management of street-sex work.
Source: Teela Sanders and Rosie Campbell, 'Designing out vulnerability, building in respect: violence, safety and sex work policy', British Journal of Sociology, Volume 58 Issue 1
Links: Abstract
Date: 2007-Mar
A joint inspectorate report said that police and prosecutors were failing to implement measures to boost the rape conviction rate. Too many rape claims were wrongly dismissed as unfounded, and some cases were dropped prematurely.
Source: Without Consent: A report on the joint review of the investigation and prosecution of rape offences, HM Crown Prosecution Service Inspectorate (020 7210 1197) and HM Inspectorate of Constabulary
Links: Report | Home Office press release | CPS/ACPO press release | Fawcett Society press release | BBC report | Guardian report | Times report
Date: 2007-Jan
The Northern Ireland Executive began consultation on a strategy to tackle sexual violence in Northern Ireland. Key elements included proposals to: set up a specialist sexual assault referral centre (to provide medical care, forensic examination, and counselling for victims of sexual assault); provide a directory of services for sexual violence victims; and carry out a major study of the prevalence of sexual violence among men and women in Northern Ireland, from childhood to adulthood.
Source: Hidden Crimes, Secret Pain: A consultation paper on a proposed regional strategy for addressing sexual violence in Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland Executive (028 9052 0500)
Links: Consultation document | NIE press release
Date: 2007-Jan
The second edition was published of a book which examined recent research and legislation relating to domestic violence and its consequences for children, and identified the implications for practice.
Source: Marianne Hester, Chris Pearson and Nicola Harwin, with Hilary Abrahams, Making an Impact: Children and domestic violence - A reader, Jessica Kingsley Publishers (020 7833 2307)
Links: Summary
Date: 2007-Jan